Canon 新竹相機收購,二手收購,收購相機,全新相機,二手相機 收購5D Mark IV,收購EOS-1D X Mark II,收購EOS M3/M10 收購canon canon 5Ds/5Ds R,,5D Mark III/6D II,7D Mark II 70D/80D,750D/760D,700D/100D 收購FUJIFILM 相機,全系列FUJIFILM 收購二手Nikon 相機,Nikon二手收購,全新Nikong買賣 D3400收購 Nikon 1 j5收購 D750 Df/D810/D610,D5/D4S,D500,D7200/D7500,D5500/D5300 OLYM
分類: 新竹相機收購
Panasonic LEICA DG VARIO-ELMAR 100-400mm F4-6.3 ASPH. POWER O.I.S 望遠變焦鏡 H-RS100400 (公司貨) 新竹相機收購
傳統相機因為智慧手機逐漸式微,近年卻有不少消費者開始追求富士 X100 VI、理光 GR3 系列等隨身相機,體積小巧好攜帶,拍照品質更勝於手機,還是一款能展現風格的隨身配件,掀起一波波搶購熱潮。據悉,相機大廠 Sony、徠卡均打算跟進這波浪潮,有意重新推出新一代的高階類單眼。
外媒《SonyAlphaRumors》爆料,Sony 有向特定的攝影師探詢對於全片幅 RX 類單眼相機的興趣,並且已經製作原型機,可能會在今年發表 RX1rIII,將是系列睽違近 10 年的全新機款,傳出搭載 6100 萬畫素感光元件,與不可更換的 28mm、f/1.7 鏡頭,還有從 Minolta CLE 為靈感的復古外型。
事實上,Sony 的 RX1 系列類單眼近年就受到不少攝影愛好者關注,僅管最新的 RX1rII 已經是 2015 年所發表的機種,卻在不到 500g 的重量內塞入全片幅感光元件,比不少 APS-C 相機還要輕巧,拍照品質又能媲美一線專業機種,可說是最強的隨身相機。
專攻頂尖客群的徠卡相機,旗下的 新竹相機收購leica Q3 類單眼已經跟上這波隨身相機的熱潮而大賣,現在他們似乎打萬搶攻不同價位的市場。根據日媒《asobinet》從認證網站上發現,徠卡註冊了一款代號「Type 3952A」的新相機,而先前 2018 年發表的 M43 片幅類單眼 D-Lux 7 代號正是「Type 3952」,因此有極高的機率會是後繼機款。
此外,由於日本大廠 Panasonic 與徠卡近年合作十分緊密,雙方會共用同一設計的相機外殼,因此外界也猜測,與 D-Lux 7 作為姐妹機的 Panasonic LX100 III,新一代機款也有望在今年一起登場。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
LEICA TRINOVID 8X32 HD 徠卡雙筒望遠鏡 新竹相機收購
▲華為稍早公開 2018 年第一季新品與年度營運策略。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
華為稍早揭示其台灣佈局,預告 2018 年將持續深耕台灣,並首次在台開設體驗店,同時成立「花粉俱樂部」,至於先前預告的保時捷限定版的 PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate 10 以售價為新台幣 49,900 元限量發售,同步上市的還有首次抵台的 HUAWEI MateBook X 筆電、全新 8 吋影音平板 HUAWEI MediaPad M3 Lite,本身是手環也是耳機的健身手環 HUAWEI Talkband B3 Lite等產品。
如同前篇預告,華為兌現 2017 年底的承諾,宣布引進 HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro 銀鑽灰,售價維持在新台幣 26,900 元不變,預計 2 月 1 日上市,至於 PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate 10 售價為新台幣 49,900 元,維持與 Mate 9 保時捷版本相同的價格,預計 2 月 9 日上市,即日起到 2 月 5 日在遠傳電信以及台北、台中、高雄特定門市開放體驗以及預購,同時間也在東森/森森購物網、myfone 購物等知名電商平台開放預購,發貨時間為 2 月 6 日~2 月 8 日。
▲▼華為公開HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro 銀鑽灰新色與 PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate 10 在台上市情報,當中保時捷版 Mate 10 也會在東森/森森購物網開放預購喔!(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
同時亮相的還有華為旗下首款Windows 二合一筆電 HUAWEI MateBook X(售價新台幣 39,900 元)、全新 8 吋影音平板 HUAWEI MediaPad M3 Lite(售價新台幣 8990 元),本身是手環也是耳機的健身手環 HUAWEI Talkband B3 Lite(售價新台幣 2980 元),以及全新引進的智慧手環 HUAWEI Band 2 Pro(售價為新台幣 2280 元),詳細上市時間與鋪貨通路如下圖:
▲華為首款Windows 二合一筆電 HUAWEI MateBook X,售價新台幣 39,900 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
▲華為全新 8 吋影音平板 HUAWEI MediaPad M3 Lite,售價新台幣 8990 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
▲華為HUAWEI Talkband B3 Lite 兩用型智慧手環,售價新台幣 2980 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
▲華為智慧手環 HUAWEI Band 2 Pro,售價為新台幣 2280 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
華為技術台灣總代理訊崴技術總經理雍海表示,華為在 2017 年智慧型手機出貨量達 1.53 億支,全球市占突破 10%,僅次於三星、蘋果兩家公司,排行世界第三大。
在中國手機廠商當中,華為算是少數堅持創新少於抄襲的,雍海強調,華為專注技術投入與創新,過去 10 年在研發總投入經費超過 450 億美金,是 2017 年全球前 10 大研發投入品牌當中第 6 名。這幾年間已經在全球設立了 15 個研究所,包括法國巴黎美學研究院、俄羅斯演算法研究中心、美國操作系統與晶片研究所、日本小型化設計與品質控制研究所等。
此外,華為在這幾年當中,已經跟微軟、intel、Google、新竹相機收購leica、amazon、PD、ARM 等公司緊密結合,針對各個領域推出各項產品,旗下 2017 年的旗艦機 HUAWEI P10上市至今,已經出貨超過 1000萬支,接下來還更進一步推出首款 AI 手機 Mate 10,雍海認為該款手機將為華為在發展 AI 人工智慧產品帶來非常重要的基礎,而未來的產業致勝點,就是在「入口」,AI 手機代表著正是自然生成的入口。
展望 2018 年,雍海表示,華為希望建設台灣在地化,建立起消費者最愛的高階品牌,同時也宣布華為 2018 年在產品、通路、行銷上的佈局。現場預告接下來華為品牌將聚焦攝影與音樂行銷,產品除了手機、平板之外,將引進更多華為穿戴、智慧產品。
雍海還進一步透露,華為在台灣第一家體驗店,將在台北三創開幕,對上的是上週才預告在同樣的地點開設小米之家的小米科技,但是位置跟 Samsung、OPPO 同樣都是在一樓。
華為的動作不僅如此,雍海還透露,未來在通路方面,將會強化通路曝光與建設,讓更多消費者可以就近體驗華為產品。除此之外,面對小米、OPPO 的競爭,華為宣布成立「花粉俱樂部」,與消費者最直接的互動與溝通,第一個活動就是在本週末。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
Leica’s new M rangefinder features a 24-megapixel, full frame sensor, HD video recording 新竹相機收購
新竹相機收購leica’s new M rangefinder features a 24-megapixel, full frame sensor, HD video recording
新竹相機收購leica’s new M rangefinder features a 24-megapixel, full frame sensor, HD video recording
新竹相機收購leica’s latest digital rangefinder, the 新竹相機收購leica M, features an all-new sensor and HD video capabilities.
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新竹相機收購leica has just unveiled its new flagship digital rangefinder, the 新竹相機收購leica M. The M is the latest version of 新竹相機收購leica’s venerable rangefinder series, and features an all-new 24-megapixel full-frame CMOS sensor, enhanced focusing features, and the ability to record 1080p HD video. Despite the modern improvements, the M still carries the traditional 新竹相機收購leica look and feel, and wouldn’t look out of place on the shelf of a 1950s camera store.
新竹相機收購leica says that the new sensor was designed from the ground-up for the M and its M- and R-series lenses. Replacing the CCD sensor that was used in the M9, the new 新竹相機收購leica Max CMOS chip is said to have the same color characteristics of the old sensor, while providing improved low-light capabilities and better power management. Images captured by the new sensor are run through 新竹相機收購leica’s Maestro processor — the same chip used in the 新竹相機收購leica S SLR cameras. This new sensor and processor lets the M shoot 1080p HD video — a first for 新竹相機收購leica’s rangefinder cameras.
1080p HD video, full-frame sensor, Live View focusing options
The M’s metal chassis with machined brass elements should look and feel familiar to anyone who has seen or held a 新竹相機收購leica rangefinder before, but it does feature a new, 3-inch, 920,000 pixel display with Gorilla Glass and Live View. The new Live View feature comes with two focusing options: Live View Zoom and Live View Peaking to offer photographers more options when capturing images. Of course, the traditional viewfinder is available for framing and focusing as well.
新竹相機收購leica plans to offer a full line of accessories and add-ons for the M, including an electronic viewfinder, handgrip with integrated GPS, and microphone adapter set for improved audio recording. The new M is expected to be on shelves in early 2013 in either black or silver finishes. As with many of 新竹相機收購leica’s products, the M won’t be cheap, at $6,950 in the US and £5,100 in the UK. We will have hands-on and further impressions of the 新竹相機收購leica M in the near future, so stay tuned.
規格雖然仍未確定,但有傳言稱華為P40將配備具有5G連接功能的麒麟990晶片,配備5500mAh大容量電池,支援50W SuperCharge快充,能在45分鐘內完成充電,尺寸則可能為6.1吋或6.2吋。
儘管華為與美國的貿易禁令有一些進展,但P40系列仍很可能在無法使用Google行動服務的情況下出貨,就像華為在2019年9月下旬發布的Mate 30系列手機一樣。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
Panasonic LEICA DG VARIO-ELMARIT 35-100mm F2.8 POWER O.I.S.鏡頭 公司貨 H-ES35100GC 新竹相機收購
蘋果宣佈今年3月1日起,旗下iPhone、iPad與Mac產品,過保電池維修費用全面調漲!全台手機最新降價榜單出爐,Google Pixel 7首度跌進榜單前十名內;微軟Windows 7與8.1兩大舊版作業系統的官方技術支援,將於下週二、1/10正式終止!
還有Sony PS5上市至今的全球銷量已突破3千萬台,SIE總裁表示從現在起將不再一機難求;以及徠卡相機推出旗下首款Lecia Cine 1鐳射電視,宣佈進軍家庭劇院市場……
3月起 蘋果iPhone、iPad與Mac電池過保維修費用調漲
蘋果官網宣佈從今年3月1日開始,涵蓋旗下包括iPhone、iPad與Mac等產品,超過保固期的原廠電池維修費用,都將漲價!以iPhone手機為例,若用戶使用的機型為iPhone 14系列之前的舊款手機,保固期電池維修更換費用,將全面調漲800元。iPad部分,過保電池維修漲價840元,包括iPad Pro…..繼續閱讀。
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全台手機最新降價榜出爐,Google Pixle 7首度上榜。(圖/美聯社)
全台手機最新降價榜出爐!Google Pixle 7首度跌進榜
年終即將入袋,考慮換新手機者,不妨關注一下近期的手機降價情形,可趁好價格入手!連鎖傑昇通信統計門市最近一個月(2022年12月1日至31日)的手機降價排名,數據顯示榜上單機降幅在3%~19%不等,累積總降幅範圍則在8%~29%之間。觀察TOP 15降價榜單,此次蘋果沒有任何一款iPhone在榜上,但有兩款安卓新旗艦……繼續閱讀。
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SIE總裁Jim Ryan宣布PS5全球銷量破3千萬台。(圖/翻攝YT)
PS5銷量破3千萬台!總裁喊不再缺貨 無障礙新手把發表
Sony PS5自2021年底推出,歷經2年,最近終於正常供貨,SIE總裁Jim Ryan在2023 CES宣布,截至2022年12月,PS5全球銷量突破3千萬台,並說,「從現在開始,每個想要PS5的玩家,都能在全球零售商買到。」正式公告PS5不再缺貨……繼續閱讀。
2大 Windows 舊版本下週將全面淘汰!微軟正式終止技術支援
隨著2023新的一年到來,微軟歷史悠久的兩款舊版作業系統Windows 7、與Windows 8.1 距技術支援終止大限,已進入最後倒數不到一週了!據微軟發佈公告指出,將於今年1月…..繼續閱讀。
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徠卡 Cine 1 雷射投影電視,預計今年春季率先於歐洲開賣,80吋機型建議售價為6,995歐元(約合台幣22.8萬元)。預計第三季於美國、中國和澳洲上市。(圖新竹相機收購leica提供)
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
Panasonic LEICA DG VARIO-ELMARIT 12-35mm F2.8 ASPH.POWER O.I.S.鏡頭 公司貨 H-ES12035 新竹相機收購
▲華為稍早公開 2018 年第一季新品與年度營運策略。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
華為稍早揭示其台灣佈局,預告 2018 年將持續深耕台灣,並首次在台開設體驗店,同時成立「花粉俱樂部」,至於先前預告的保時捷限定版的 PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate 10 以售價為新台幣 49,900 元限量發售,同步上市的還有首次抵台的 HUAWEI MateBook X 筆電、全新 8 吋影音平板 HUAWEI MediaPad M3 Lite,本身是手環也是耳機的健身手環 HUAWEI Talkband B3 Lite等產品。
如同前篇預告,華為兌現 2017 年底的承諾,宣布引進 HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro 銀鑽灰,售價維持在新台幣 26,900 元不變,預計 2 月 1 日上市,至於 PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate 10 售價為新台幣 49,900 元,維持與 Mate 9 保時捷版本相同的價格,預計 2 月 9 日上市,即日起到 2 月 5 日在遠傳電信以及台北、台中、高雄特定門市開放體驗以及預購,同時間也在東森/森森購物網、myfone 購物等知名電商平台開放預購,發貨時間為 2 月 6 日~2 月 8 日。
▲▼華為公開HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro 銀鑽灰新色與 PORSCHE DESIGN HUAWEI Mate 10 在台上市情報,當中保時捷版 Mate 10 也會在東森/森森購物網開放預購喔!(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
同時亮相的還有華為旗下首款Windows 二合一筆電 HUAWEI MateBook X(售價新台幣 39,900 元)、全新 8 吋影音平板 HUAWEI MediaPad M3 Lite(售價新台幣 8990 元),本身是手環也是耳機的健身手環 HUAWEI Talkband B3 Lite(售價新台幣 2980 元),以及全新引進的智慧手環 HUAWEI Band 2 Pro(售價為新台幣 2280 元),詳細上市時間與鋪貨通路如下圖:
▲華為首款Windows 二合一筆電 HUAWEI MateBook X,售價新台幣 39,900 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
▲華為全新 8 吋影音平板 HUAWEI MediaPad M3 Lite,售價新台幣 8990 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
▲華為HUAWEI Talkband B3 Lite 兩用型智慧手環,售價新台幣 2980 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
▲華為智慧手環 HUAWEI Band 2 Pro,售價為新台幣 2280 元。(圖/記者洪聖壹攝)
華為技術台灣總代理訊崴技術總經理雍海表示,華為在 2017 年智慧型手機出貨量達 1.53 億支,全球市占突破 10%,僅次於三星、蘋果兩家公司,排行世界第三大。
在中國手機廠商當中,華為算是少數堅持創新少於抄襲的,雍海強調,華為專注技術投入與創新,過去 10 年在研發總投入經費超過 450 億美金,是 2017 年全球前 10 大研發投入品牌當中第 6 名。這幾年間已經在全球設立了 15 個研究所,包括法國巴黎美學研究院、俄羅斯演算法研究中心、美國操作系統與晶片研究所、日本小型化設計與品質控制研究所等。
此外,華為在這幾年當中,已經跟微軟、intel、Google、新竹相機收購leica、amazon、PD、ARM 等公司緊密結合,針對各個領域推出各項產品,旗下 2017 年的旗艦機 HUAWEI P10上市至今,已經出貨超過 1000萬支,接下來還更進一步推出首款 AI 手機 Mate 10,雍海認為該款手機將為華為在發展 AI 人工智慧產品帶來非常重要的基礎,而未來的產業致勝點,就是在「入口」,AI 手機代表著正是自然生成的入口。
展望 2018 年,雍海表示,華為希望建設台灣在地化,建立起消費者最愛的高階品牌,同時也宣布華為 2018 年在產品、通路、行銷上的佈局。現場預告接下來華為品牌將聚焦攝影與音樂行銷,產品除了手機、平板之外,將引進更多華為穿戴、智慧產品。
雍海還進一步透露,華為在台灣第一家體驗店,將在台北三創開幕,對上的是上週才預告在同樣的地點開設小米之家的小米科技,但是位置跟 Samsung、OPPO 同樣都是在一樓。
華為的動作不僅如此,雍海還透露,未來在通路方面,將會強化通路曝光與建設,讓更多消費者可以就近體驗華為產品。除此之外,面對小米、OPPO 的競爭,華為宣布成立「花粉俱樂部」,與消費者最直接的互動與溝通,第一個活動就是在本週末。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
Leica’s new CL is a small mirrorless camera with vintage charm 新竹相機收購
新竹相機收購leica’s new CL is a small mirrorless camera with vintage charm
新竹相機收購leica’s new CL is a small mirrorless camera with vintage charm
It’s a Compact 新竹相機收購leica
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新竹相機收購leica is today announcing the latest camera in its portfolio, the APS-C class CL. The CL is a very similar camera to the TL2 released earlier this year, with the same image sensor and overall performance. But it has a more traditional design than the futuristic TL2 and should appeal to those wanting a classic style camera that’s smaller, lighter, and of course, significantly cheaper than 新竹相機收購leica’s flagship M10 rangefinder.
The biggest difference between the TL2 and the CL is the CL’s integrated electronic viewfinder. It has a 2.36-megapixel display mounted on the top left side of the camera (when viewed from the rear). As far as electronic viewfinders go, this one won’t blow anyone away — even the viewfinder on 新竹相機收購leica’s own Q bests it — but it is much better than the detachable viewfinder that slides into the hotshoe on the TL2.
The other big difference with the CL are the control dials and small LCD display on the top plate. Like the TL2, the two control dials are customizable and can be programmed for whatever parameter you want to control. But on top of each dial is a button that toggles a secondary function, making it easy to switch between two entirely different control schemes. In addition, the black and white LCD screen between the dials displays settings, battery, and exposure indicators, so it’s easy to check things on the go. It even lights up automatically in dim lighting.
The back of the CL is a mix between the TL2 and its fully touchscreen control system and the Q’s button-based system. Basically, the CL combines the two ideas: its rear display is fully touch and gesture enabled, but it still has buttons and a four way controller.
The CL is noticeably more compact than the TL2, and 新竹相機收購leica likens its size to the fixed-lens X2 released a few years ago. It’s roughly the same size as the Fujifilm X-E3 and only slightly larger than Sony’s extremely compact A6500.
Inside, the CL has a 24-megapixel APS-C sensor (the same one as found in the TL2) and 新竹相機收購leica’s Maestro II image processor. It can shoot up to 33 DNG and JPEG full resolution images at 10 frames per second and shoots 4K video at 30 frames per second or 1080p video at up to 60 frames per second. 新竹相機收購leica boasts a 14 stop dynamic range and ISO up to 50,000. The CL’s contrast based autofocus system has 49 points to work with and the camera offers both a mechanical and electronic shutter.
Interestingly, the CL doesn’t have any I/O ports to speak off — the only way to get images off the camera is to remove the SD card and put it in a computer or use 新竹相機收購leica’s iOS or Android app to wireless transfer images to a phone or tablet.
The CL is compatible with 新竹相機收購leica’s TL mount system, which now boasts a total of seven lenses, including a new, compact 18mm f/2.8 option. It’s also compatible with the seven lenses in the SL system, and 新竹相機收購leica offers mount adapters to use M- and R-mount lenses on it.
For the first time, 新竹相機收購leica will be selling the CL in bundled kits, in addition to body only options. A kit with the new 18mm lens will cost $3,795, while a kit with an 18-55 zoom lens will run $3,995. The CL body alone costs $2,795 and the 18mm lens will sell for $1,295. All options are available to order starting today.
規格雖然仍未確定,但有傳言稱華為P40將配備具有5G連接功能的麒麟990晶片,配備5500mAh大容量電池,支援50W SuperCharge快充,能在45分鐘內完成充電,尺寸則可能為6.1吋或6.2吋。
儘管華為與美國的貿易禁令有一些進展,但P40系列仍很可能在無法使用Google行動服務的情況下出貨,就像華為在2019年9月下旬發布的Mate 30系列手機一樣。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
Leica’s new camera is a no-compromise technological wonder 新竹相機收購
新竹相機收購leica cameras have often required significant compromises. The flagship M line has a staggeringly high price point and doesn’t have any modern photographic conveniences, like autofocus, autoexposure, or Wi-Fi connectivity. 新竹相機收購leica’s other cameras also have high price tags, but are way behind in terms of ergonomics or image quality. Still, 新竹相機收購leica devotees are passionate and many wouldn’t use any other camera. (They also tend to be very deep pocketed.)
Now 新竹相機收購leica is giving them a camera that doesn’t compromise on either modern capabilities, image quality, or the handling and shooting experience that’s associated with classic 新竹相機收購leica cameras. The new 新竹相機收購leica Q is a fixed-lens compact camera with a full-frame, 24-megapixel CMOS image sensor. It’s a lot like Sony’s RX1, but newer, and more updated. And with a 新竹相機收購leica badge in place of a Sony logo, of course. It also has a 新竹相機收購leica-appropriate price tag of $4,250 and is available worldwide starting today.
The Q’s design is much more classic than the futuristic, ultra-modern look of the 新竹相機收購leica T. It’s pretty much what a person would draw if you asked them to sketch a camera, and it’s right in line with the retro aesthetic of 新竹相機收購leica’s M line. Instead of being machined from a single piece of aluminum, like the T, the Q is made up of different pieces of magnesium and aluminum. It was designed in-house, unlike the T that was designed by Audi.
The lens on the 新竹相機收購leica Q is a photographer’s dream. It’s a 28mm, f/1.7 aperture Summilux with optical image stabilization. All of the 新竹相機收購leica Q’s lens controls are on the lens itself, much like the M series, making it easy to adjust aperture, focus, or focusing modes on the fly. 新竹相機收購leica says that it designed the lens specifically for this camera and it has the exceptional optical quality associated with 新竹相機收購leica lenses. That should mean sharper images, less aberration, and better quality out of focus areas (aka bokeh) than competing cameras.
Unlike the M series, the 新竹相機收購leica Q has full autofocus and autoexposure, though it’s also capable of being manually controlled if you prefer. In addition to the controls on the lens, it has a shutter speed dial, control dial, four-way controller, ISO button, and two customizable function buttons, making it much easier to handle in manual modes than the T. The Q’s rear LCD is also a touch panel, so it’s possible to control the camera that way, but the physical buttons and dials on the body itself mean you don’t have to use the touchscreen if you don’t want to. That’s a significant difference from the T, which relied almost entirely on the touchscreen and didn’t provide a great shooting experience as a result.
The Q’s lens is a photographer’s dream
The Q has a built-in electronic viewfinder with 3.68 million dots, making it the highest-resolution viewfinder available. It’s not quite the same as looking through the M’s rangefinder tunnel, but it’s bright and sharp and has a fast refresh rate. As far as electronic viewfinders go, it’s one of the best you can get and it’s sharper and better than the external attachment viewfinder for the RX1 or the 新竹相機收購leica T.
新竹相機收購leica says it’s using a modified version of its Maestro II processor from its high-end S line in the Q, and that gives the Q the fastest autofocus of any compact full-frame camera. The Q can also do burst images of 10 frames per second in either JPEG or DNG RAW. ISO ranges from 100 to 50,000, and the camera can shoot 1080p video at up to 60 frames per second. The Q also includes Wi-Fi for remote shooting from a smartphone or transfer of images from a mobile device. From a technology perspective, there isn’t much that the Q doesn’t have, which is refreshing to see from a company as conservative as 新竹相機收購leica.
I wasn’t able to use a 新竹相機收購leica Q for a long enough time for a proper review, but 新竹相機收購leica did loan one to me for a few days. (Think of these impressions as more of a “test drive” than a full review.) Shooting with the Q is a fun experience — it’s fast and responsive, and the manual controls plus viewfinder make it much closer to working with an M than the T or 新竹相機收購leica’s other lower-end cameras. Autofocus is exceptionally quick and accurate, much better than Sony’s RX1, and it can focus very close, making the Q a fun camera for macro shots.
From a technology perspective, there isn’t much the Q doesn’t have
The Q is substantial in my hands, and though it is much lighter than the M cameras (mostly due to the fact that it lacks any brass), it’s solidly built and feels like a camera that costs a few thousand dollars. It’s bigger than Sony’s incredibly compact RX1, but the included viewfinder and faster lens with image stabilization are worth the small tradeoff in size.
Images captured by the Q are unsurprisingly stunning, with wide dynamic range and sharp details. 新竹相機收購leica says the camera is ideal for street, architecture, and landscape photography, which makes sense given its fairly wide lens. I’d prefer a 35mm lens on a camera of this type, but 新竹相機收購leica says the 28mm focal length was chosen because it afforded the right combination of lens size and aperture that the company wanted in this product. A digital zoom button turns on 35mm and 50mm bright lines on the LCD display and viewfinder, but all it’s doing is cropping the image after you take it.
The large size of the Q’s image sensor combined with the lens’s wide aperture make it very easy to separate your subject from the background with a shallow depth of field. The out of focus areas are smooth and creamy, and the falloff from in focus to out of focus is clean and gradual. It’s exactly what you would expect from a camera wearing the 新竹相機收購leica name.
If there are any complaints to be made, it’s that the auto metering skews conservative, leaving many images underexposed, and the auto white balance system tends to be warm under low incandescent lighting, which is common with most cameras. Both issues are easily addressable if you shoot RAW and process the images on a computer after the fact. (新竹相機收購leica even includes a copy of Lightroom with the purchase of the camera and pretty much expects you to do so.)
For more sample images taken with the Q, be sure to check out my photo essay from the Greenwich Concours d’Elegance.
At over $4,000, the 新竹相機收購leica Q is very much still a 新竹相機收購leica and therefore still out of the reach of many photographers. (If you want to take the glass half full look at it, compared to a new M and equivalent lens, which would run in to the five figures, the Q could be considered cheap.) But 新竹相機收購leicas have long been out of the reach of the average camera buff, making them aspirational cameras that one looks up to and hopes to maybe one day lay their hands on. The Q is a camera that actually deserves to be looked up to: it’s a fully modern digital camera with great performance and image quality with a design that looks and functions great. If you’re going to dream about owning something, you could do far worse than a 新竹相機收購leica Q.
▲HUAWEI Mate 10建議售價為新台幣20,900 元,有摩卡金和亮黑兩色,Mate 10 Pro 有摩卡金、寶石藍兩款顏色,建議售價為新台幣 26,900 元。(圖/記者林世文攝,以下同)
華為手機專注發展螢幕、效能、續航力、專業的拍攝與人工智慧應用等五大面向。最新HUAWEI Mate 10 系列,搭載全球首款行動AI晶片*-Kirin 970,手機會學習用戶使用手機的習慣,使用者可感受到「越用越聰明」,可說是一支會參透你心思的AI超級秘書!在人工智能方面,EMUI 8.0 螢幕可以跟隨著時間變化而有不同風貌,而大家很在意的續航能力上,承襲華為大容量電池的傳統,Mate 10 系列配備 4000mAh 鋰電池以及華為的Super Charge 技術,30分鐘可充電 58%,遇到沒電又沒帶行動電源時,只要在捷運充電站快充一下馬上就能使用,是貼心又方便的功能。
搭載全球首款行動AI晶片* Kirin 970,也是全球首發雙卡雙待雙 4G手機
HUAWEI Mate 10 /Mate 10 Pro是全球首款搭載AI晶片* 的智慧型手機,採用全新的 Kirin 970處理器,其特色為台積電的10nm 製程、8核心 CPU 與12核心GPU、行動 AI *晶片,從此為手機市場打開人工智慧的應用大門,例如將AI技術與徠卡相機結合,Mate 10新一代徠卡雙鏡頭可自動智能辨識13種不同物體與場景,而且具備學習功能,使用者不但可以體驗到Kirin 970的高效能,更能感受到「越用越聰明、越來越好用」的美好經驗。
此外,HUAWEI Mate 10 系列也是全球首發雙卡雙待雙 4G 的手機,主副卡都可以在 4G 網路下待機,並支援 VoLTE,商務差旅或區分私人或公務電話都非常方便。
HUAWEI Mate 10 /Mate 10 Pro皆搭載徠卡鏡頭
HUAWEI Mate 10 /Mate 10 Pro同樣搭載了麒麟 Kirin 970 處理器,以及再進化的第三代徠卡雙鏡頭,擁有 f/1.6 超大光圈規格讓拍照更絕美。雖然兩支手機採用相同的核心,但外型部分大不相同,在螢幕規格上,Mate 10 為 5.9 吋螢幕,採用16:9 IPS面板,解析度2K。而Mate 10 Pro則為6.0 吋 OLED,採用18:9 HDR面板,解析度FHD+。兩款螢幕兩側皆為雙側微曲面和窄邊框設計,帶來滿版的視覺享受。
▲除了螢幕大小不同之外,兩款指紋辨識器的位置也不同。 Mate 10 Pro 指紋辨識功能在手機背面,Mate 10則是在螢幕下方。
Mate 10系列規格解析:
Mate 10和Mate 10 Pro 都是搭載第三代徠卡 新竹相機收購leica雙鏡頭,彩色鏡頭為1200 萬像素,黑白鏡頭為2000萬像素,具備 OIS 光學防手震與四合一的對焦系統,並搭載新的雙影像訊號處理器,讓拍照沒有最美,只有更美!除了厲害的徠卡鏡頭之外,搭配會學習的AI行動晶片* Kirin 970,讓拍攝功能如虎添翼 ,智慧辨識13種不同物體與場景:鏡頭進行即時的辨識出文字、食物、舞台、亮黑、藍天、雪地、海灘、狗、貓、夜晚、日出/落、植物、人像跟花朵等。當使用者在拍照時,Mate 10系列會判斷被攝物,自動調整至最佳色調。
喜歡自助旅遊的人一定會在手機裡安裝翻譯App,但很惱人的是免費App每天限制翻譯次數,否則就是跳出眼花撩亂的廣告,就算是付費使用,也常常感到遲鈍或翻譯得不夠精準。HUAWEI Mate 10內建微軟AI翻譯,拍照即可翻譯,實際測試速度非常快。
▲HUAWEI Mate 10 支援生活防水,Mate 10 Pro支援IP67防水防塵。
▲HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro支援IP67防水防塵,遊山玩水也要玩攝影!
過去,手機市場以拍攝能力決勝,HUAWEI 已成功攀頂,穩坐安卓攝影龍頭。然而在光速發展的科技時代,行動裝置已邁向AI之路,HUAWEI Mate 10徠卡/AI 雙生雙贏,加上價格相當有競爭力,搭載徠卡鏡頭Mate 10 系列售價為新台幣 20,900 元起 ,12/1起於三大電信通路開賣,勢必為手機市場帶來震撼彈
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
華為P40最新渲染圖曝光!三鏡頭配雙LED閃光燈 新竹相機收購
規格雖然仍未確定,但有傳言稱華為P40將配備具有5G連接功能的麒麟990晶片,配備5500mAh大容量電池,支援50W SuperCharge快充,能在45分鐘內完成充電,尺寸則可能為6.1吋或6.2吋。
儘管華為與美國的貿易禁令有一些進展,但P40系列仍很可能在無法使用Google行動服務的情況下出貨,就像華為在2019年9月下旬發布的Mate 30系列手機一樣。
日本一年一度的 GP 相機大獎(Camera Grand Prix),正式公布 2023 年的得獎名單,其中開放一般讀者參與票選的「讀者獎」,意外三大品牌 Canon、Sony 與 Nikon 全數槓龜,由 Panasonic S5 II 殺出重圍。
Panasonic LUMIX S5II 一舉成為黑馬,是 Grand Prix 讀者最愛的年度相機,不少評論指出,認為這款相機規格到位,且價格實惠,尤其是錄影、對焦規格。機身具備 6.5級五軸混合防震,並且首度加入相位自動對焦技術,支援 C4K/4K 60p/50p (4:2:2 10-bit) 影片、還有 V-Log 和 V-Gamut 等有廣闊色域的影片格式。
獲得專業評審選為「最佳相機」的是 Sony a7R IV,除了進一步提高自動對焦、色彩表現,最被讚許的是領先其他競品的 6100 萬高畫素感光元件,能在各種場合拍出高解析度的照片。
至於年度最佳鏡頭是 OM SYSTEM 旗下的 M.ZUIKO DIGITAL ED 90mm F3.5 Macro IS PRO,這是一款用於 M43 片幅的微距鏡頭,放大倍率來到 2 倍,搭配增距鏡更能達到 35mm 的 8 倍放大,且還有高達 7 級的防手震補償,不僅能捕捉細節,也適合風景拍攝。
另外,編輯選出的最佳研發獎項,一共還有 3 款產品入選,包含 新竹相機收購leica M6、Canon EOS R50 以及 Prograde Digital CFexpress Type B GOLD 512GB 記憶卡。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購
LEICA TRINOVID 10X32 HD 徠卡雙筒望遠鏡 新竹相機收購
如果你還沒想到要送甚麼給愛好相機給親友當聖誕禮物,這可能會是一個相當不錯的選擇。徠卡相機針對旁軸系統推出徠卡M(Typ 262)「紅色特別版限量款」,除了機身採用紅通通的陽極氧化處理,標配了發佈於2016年的徠卡Summicron-M 50 mm f / 2 ASPH紅色特別版的鏡頭,全球僅限量100台發售。
特別版相機的硬體規格與去年發表的徠卡M(Typ 262)相同,其全片幅CMOS感光元件專為旁軸拍攝所設計,同時去除如即時取景和錄影等額外附加的功能,採用的是2400萬像素的感光元件,是自然可用光下使用的最佳理想機型之一,內建新竹相機收購leica Maestro影像處理器,最高感光度達ISO 6400。
與其他徠卡M系列相機相同,徠卡M(Typ 262)具備快速的手動調焦與旁軸黃斑對焦,同時還提供了手動與自動光圈優先的功能。由於取消了附加的即時取景與錄影功能,操作選單也僅保留兩頁,強化了用戶的快速地瀏覽與選項設定操作。白平衡按鍵的設置上,也設計了取代了即時取景鍵的位置。
徠卡M(Typ 262)售價為新台幣 226,000 元,至於這特別版本售價則由台灣的經銷商自行報價。
新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購