Leica’s new camera is a no-compromise technological wonder 新竹相機收購


新竹相機收購leica cameras have often required significant compromises. The flagship M line has a staggeringly high price point and doesn’t have any modern photographic conveniences, like autofocus, autoexposure, or Wi-Fi connectivity. 新竹相機收購leica’s other cameras also have high price tags, but are way behind in terms of ergonomics or image quality. Still, 新竹相機收購leica devotees are passionate and many wouldn’t use any other camera. (They also tend to be very deep pocketed.)

Now 新竹相機收購leica is giving them a camera that doesn’t compromise on either modern capabilities, image quality, or the handling and shooting experience that’s associated with classic 新竹相機收購leica cameras. The new 新竹相機收購leica Q is a fixed-lens compact camera with a full-frame, 24-megapixel CMOS image sensor. It’s a lot like Sony’s RX1, but newer, and more updated. And with a 新竹相機收購leica badge in place of a Sony logo, of course. It also has a 新竹相機收購leica-appropriate price tag of $4,250 and is available worldwide starting today.


The Q’s design is much more classic than the futuristic, ultra-modern look of the 新竹相機收購leica T. It’s pretty much what a person would draw if you asked them to sketch a camera, and it’s right in line with the retro aesthetic of 新竹相機收購leica’s M line. Instead of being machined from a single piece of aluminum, like the T, the Q is made up of different pieces of magnesium and aluminum. It was designed in-house, unlike the T that was designed by Audi.

The lens on the 新竹相機收購leica Q is a photographer’s dream. It’s a 28mm, f/1.7 aperture Summilux with optical image stabilization. All of the 新竹相機收購leica Q’s lens controls are on the lens itself, much like the M series, making it easy to adjust aperture, focus, or focusing modes on the fly. 新竹相機收購leica says that it designed the lens specifically for this camera and it has the exceptional optical quality associated with 新竹相機收購leica lenses. That should mean sharper images, less aberration, and better quality out of focus areas (aka bokeh) than competing cameras.

Unlike the M series, the 新竹相機收購leica Q has full autofocus and autoexposure, though it’s also capable of being manually controlled if you prefer. In addition to the controls on the lens, it has a shutter speed dial, control dial, four-way controller, ISO button, and two customizable function buttons, making it much easier to handle in manual modes than the T. The Q’s rear LCD is also a touch panel, so it’s possible to control the camera that way, but the physical buttons and dials on the body itself mean you don’t have to use the touchscreen if you don’t want to. That’s a significant difference from the T, which relied almost entirely on the touchscreen and didn’t provide a great shooting experience as a result.

The Q’s lens is a photographer’s dream

The Q has a built-in electronic viewfinder with 3.68 million dots, making it the highest-resolution viewfinder available. It’s not quite the same as looking through the M’s rangefinder tunnel, but it’s bright and sharp and has a fast refresh rate. As far as electronic viewfinders go, it’s one of the best you can get and it’s sharper and better than the external attachment viewfinder for the RX1 or the 新竹相機收購leica T.


新竹相機收購leica says it’s using a modified version of its Maestro II processor from its high-end S line in the Q, and that gives the Q the fastest autofocus of any compact full-frame camera. The Q can also do burst images of 10 frames per second in either JPEG or DNG RAW. ISO ranges from 100 to 50,000, and the camera can shoot 1080p video at up to 60 frames per second. The Q also includes Wi-Fi for remote shooting from a smartphone or transfer of images from a mobile device. From a technology perspective, there isn’t much that the Q doesn’t have, which is refreshing to see from a company as conservative as 新竹相機收購leica.

I wasn’t able to use a 新竹相機收購leica Q for a long enough time for a proper review, but 新竹相機收購leica did loan one to me for a few days. (Think of these impressions as more of a “test drive” than a full review.) Shooting with the Q is a fun experience — it’s fast and responsive, and the manual controls plus viewfinder make it much closer to working with an M than the T or 新竹相機收購leica’s other lower-end cameras. Autofocus is exceptionally quick and accurate, much better than Sony’s RX1, and it can focus very close, making the Q a fun camera for macro shots.

From a technology perspective, there isn’t much the Q doesn’t have

The Q is substantial in my hands, and though it is much lighter than the M cameras (mostly due to the fact that it lacks any brass), it’s solidly built and feels like a camera that costs a few thousand dollars. It’s bigger than Sony’s incredibly compact RX1, but the included viewfinder and faster lens with image stabilization are worth the small tradeoff in size.

Images captured by the Q are unsurprisingly stunning, with wide dynamic range and sharp details. 新竹相機收購leica says the camera is ideal for street, architecture, and landscape photography, which makes sense given its fairly wide lens. I’d prefer a 35mm lens on a camera of this type, but 新竹相機收購leica says the 28mm focal length was chosen because it afforded the right combination of lens size and aperture that the company wanted in this product. A digital zoom button turns on 35mm and 50mm bright lines on the LCD display and viewfinder, but all it’s doing is cropping the image after you take it.

The large size of the Q’s image sensor combined with the lens’s wide aperture make it very easy to separate your subject from the background with a shallow depth of field. The out of focus areas are smooth and creamy, and the falloff from in focus to out of focus is clean and gradual. It’s exactly what you would expect from a camera wearing the 新竹相機收購leica name.

If there are any complaints to be made, it’s that the auto metering skews conservative, leaving many images underexposed, and the auto white balance system tends to be warm under low incandescent lighting, which is common with most cameras. Both issues are easily addressable if you shoot RAW and process the images on a computer after the fact. (新竹相機收購leica even includes a copy of Lightroom with the purchase of the camera and pretty much expects you to do so.)

For more sample images taken with the Q, be sure to check out my photo essay from the Greenwich Concours d’Elegance.


At over $4,000, the 新竹相機收購leica Q is very much still a 新竹相機收購leica and therefore still out of the reach of many photographers. (If you want to take the glass half full look at it, compared to a new M and equivalent lens, which would run in to the five figures, the Q could be considered cheap.) But 新竹相機收購leicas have long been out of the reach of the average camera buff, making them aspirational cameras that one looks up to and hopes to maybe one day lay their hands on. The Q is a camera that actually deserves to be looked up to: it’s a fully modern digital camera with great performance and image quality with a design that looks and functions great. If you’re going to dream about owning something, you could do far worse than a 新竹相機收購leica Q.


▲HUAWEI Mate 10建議售價為新台幣20,900 元,有摩卡金和亮黑兩色,Mate 10 Pro 有摩卡金、寶石藍兩款顏色,建議售價為新台幣 26,900 元。(圖/記者林世文攝,以下同)


華為手機專注發展螢幕、效能、續航力、專業的拍攝與人工智慧應用等五大面向。最新HUAWEI Mate 10 系列,搭載全球首款行動AI晶片*-Kirin 970,手機會學習用戶使用手機的習慣,使用者可感受到「越用越聰明」,可說是一支會參透你心思的AI超級秘書!在人工智能方面,EMUI 8.0 螢幕可以跟隨著時間變化而有不同風貌,而大家很在意的續航能力上,承襲華為大容量電池的傳統,Mate 10 系列配備 4000mAh 鋰電池以及華為的Super Charge 技術,30分鐘可充電 58%,遇到沒電又沒帶行動電源時,只要在捷運充電站快充一下馬上就能使用,是貼心又方便的功能。

搭載全球首款行動AI晶片* Kirin 970,也是全球首發雙卡雙待雙 4G手機

HUAWEI Mate 10 /Mate 10 Pro是全球首款搭載AI晶片* 的智慧型手機,採用全新的 Kirin 970處理器,其特色為台積電的10nm 製程、8核心 CPU 與12核心GPU、行動 AI *晶片,從此為手機市場打開人工智慧的應用大門,例如將AI技術與徠卡相機結合,Mate 10新一代徠卡雙鏡頭可自動智能辨識13種不同物體與場景,而且具備學習功能,使用者不但可以體驗到Kirin 970的高效能,更能感受到「越用越聰明、越來越好用」的美好經驗。

此外,HUAWEI Mate 10 系列也是全球首發雙卡雙待雙 4G 的手機,主副卡都可以在 4G 網路下待機,並支援 VoLTE,商務差旅或區分私人或公務電話都非常方便。

HUAWEI Mate 10 /Mate 10 Pro皆搭載徠卡鏡頭

HUAWEI Mate 10 /Mate 10 Pro同樣搭載了麒麟 Kirin 970 處理器,以及再進化的第三代徠卡雙鏡頭,擁有 f/1.6 超大光圈規格讓拍照更絕美。雖然兩支手機採用相同的核心,但外型部分大不相同,在螢幕規格上,Mate 10 為 5.9 吋螢幕,採用16:9 IPS面板,解析度2K。而Mate 10 Pro則為6.0 吋 OLED,採用18:9 HDR面板,解析度FHD+。兩款螢幕兩側皆為雙側微曲面和窄邊框設計,帶來滿版的視覺享受。


▲除了螢幕大小不同之外,兩款指紋辨識器的位置也不同。 Mate 10 Pro 指紋辨識功能在手機背面,Mate 10則是在螢幕下方。

Mate 10系列規格解析:



Mate 10和Mate 10 Pro 都是搭載第三代徠卡 新竹相機收購leica雙鏡頭,彩色鏡頭為1200 萬像素,黑白鏡頭為2000萬像素,具備 OIS 光學防手震與四合一的對焦系統,並搭載新的雙影像訊號處理器,讓拍照沒有最美,只有更美!除了厲害的徠卡鏡頭之外,搭配會學習的AI行動晶片* Kirin 970,讓拍攝功能如虎添翼 ,智慧辨識13種不同物體與場景:鏡頭進行即時的辨識出文字、食物、舞台、亮黑、藍天、雪地、海灘、狗、貓、夜晚、日出/落、植物、人像跟花朵等。當使用者在拍照時,Mate 10系列會判斷被攝物,自動調整至最佳色調。








新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購


喜歡自助旅遊的人一定會在手機裡安裝翻譯App,但很惱人的是免費App每天限制翻譯次數,否則就是跳出眼花撩亂的廣告,就算是付費使用,也常常感到遲鈍或翻譯得不夠精準。HUAWEI Mate 10內建微軟AI翻譯,拍照即可翻譯,實際測試速度非常快。

新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購



▲HUAWEI Mate 10 支援生活防水,Mate 10 Pro支援IP67防水防塵。


▲HUAWEI Mate 10 Pro支援IP67防水防塵,遊山玩水也要玩攝影!


過去,手機市場以拍攝能力決勝,HUAWEI 已成功攀頂,穩坐安卓攝影龍頭。然而在光速發展的科技時代,行動裝置已邁向AI之路,HUAWEI Mate 10徠卡/AI 雙生雙贏,加上價格相當有競爭力,搭載徠卡鏡頭Mate 10 系列售價為新台幣 20,900 元起 ,12/1起於三大電信通路開賣,勢必為手機市場帶來震撼彈



新竹相機收購 新竹相機收購


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